Apple technology vendor caught recommends
Mac OS users to install anti-virus.
It is so easy meal media, particularly in the United States,
because with that, Apple seemed to acknowledge that the Mac is not secure.
But some time later, Apple quietly remove
recommendation from the site. That recommendation,
media according to the BBC posted since 21 November and is
new update from the entry that has been operating since 2007.
"We deleted the article because it was old and inaccurate.
Macs are designed with technology that provides protection
against malware and security threats, "said a spokesman for Apple,
Bill Evans regarding the removal.
Apple had repeatedly claimed that the Mac,
although it does not completely immune from viruses,
far more secure than Windows computers. Even in some of the advertising,
Apple Mac bold claim is completely safe from viruses.
However, computer experts warn that all computer operating systems
including the Mac will not be completely safe from viruses.
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